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Groupes: 1311
Critiques CD: 2496
Nouvelles: 4518
Entrevues: 138
Membres Actuels :

5k0tt Mazend Guitare
DusTech Synthétiseur
RadikAl 9K Clavier
Snuff 238 Mazend Vocal
Von Cyberskin Basse / Batterie
Informations Générales :

Début: 2003
Pays: Italie
Style: Industrial Metal
Site Internet: Visiter
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Créé à Turin, Italie, le groupe Technophobia, écrit T3chn0ph0b1a par les membres, oeuvre dans un style qu'ils ont nommé "'Dancefl-Horror". Il s'agit d'un mélange entre l'électronique, l'industriel et un certain effet black metal au vocal. Basé sous des thèmes futuristes, de l'ordinateur et des extra-terrestres, T3chn0ph0b1a est apparu sur la scène en 2003 avant de mettre en vente la démo "Albedo Level: 0%" en 2004. L'originalité du groupe leur donne une signature de contrat avec Koldfinger Records pour la parution du EP "The DanceFl-Horror: N.A.S.A. Vs I.N.R.I." en 2005.

En 2006, il rend disponible le single "Abduction Starfleet" sur internet. Au-delà de la musique proposée, la formation demeure très originale au niveau de l'histoire qu'elle a apportée.

Afin d'éviter de perdre l'authenticité de l'histoire de leur biographie spatiale, voici l'intégrale:

"From 3001 A.D. six entities, inhabitants of Sidera (a sombre planet, having a sunproof and photophobic atmosphere, with albedopercentage equal zero) descended on Earth. They are Snuff 238 Mazend, a thriller-horror-addicted uranium-isotopic-stylish freak with an attitude to scream; his brother 5k0tt Mazend, a six-strings-polluted-epidemic killer instinctive automaton; the mechanic masked cyborg Von Cyberskin, who used to wreak his tantrum on digital electrocardiogrim; the young cloned artificial in-intelligence RadikAl 9k, the master of symphonic irrational harmony; the 'lord' Ahri Hann, tracer-shell bass vibrations bondaged by bloodalcoholic and love for cinemalchemy; and DusTech, a schizo pulsar minded who devoted himself to the quest for sonorous-synthetized engineering suppurations.

Their claws and legs crawled upon the new planet soil, under tortures of human atmosphere, to incarnate their xenothropic features in five earthlings, becoming parasite inhabitants and forcing their hosting bodies to embrace instruments and create T3CHN0PH0B1A: extermination is near.

The first weapon of mass destruction was in their hands when they self-produced “Albedo Level: 0%”, a 4 tracks long killer mix of industrial decadence, deep space sounds and corroding hellectrowaves feasting under a grey velcro sky, among acid smokes and toxic clouds: morbid and screaming vocals meets lasergun massacre guitars and cold martial beats, adding lyrics concerning rusty landscapes, xenothropic invasions in sci-fi and horror movies style, future destruction and the Mind Body Problem, orchestrated in the key of fear. A total Industrial Space Metal holocaust. So they landed on this retrograde planet, shouting out loud the arrival of alien technology.

After three powerful gigs supporting the radioactive release they locked themselves in a lab, preparing a new unknown attack.

Then, the story goes on: due to the high and continuous exposure to oxygen the alien creature inside the body of Ahri Hann was forced to return back on Planet Sidera last night. He came home and reached the deepest and darkest part of the galaxy, beloved fatherland.
But their mission, the violent desecration of this faulty planet, still goes on and Von Cyberskin decided to change his role making his own way through the pulsing four strings blasting frequencies.

So, the Sidera Logistic Dept sent from the mothership, Cybel 01, a new weapon: a deadly machine gun robot, artificial unit, known by the Green Black Helmets with the serial number '3313-MLG-N35-V', nicknamed Autom-Atys which is ready to attack.

We analysed them but we were unable to find more material on their nature. Analyses failed on the meaning of words 'mech-paranoia' (?), 'feedblack' (?), 'Unholy Dialer' (maybe a divinity?). [...]

We can only assert that they're dangerous for mankind, because of their brain thrashing hammering sound and owing to their will to strike terror in every man.
All individuals and evidences will be destroyed.

Anciens membres :

Ahri Hann Basse

Albedo Level: 0%

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The DanceFl-Horror: N.A.S.A. Vs I.N.R.I.

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Abduction Starfleet

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Grave New World

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Conception graphique : Marc Desgagné - Programmation : Andrew Gagné - Samuel Falardeau