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Groupes: 1311
Critiques CD: 2496
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Critiques en Vrak
Groupe: DevilDriver
Album: DevilDriver
Paru en 2003, l’album ‘self titled’ de DevilDriver, fut un peu oublié par le public contrairement aux deux suivants. Monstre sans âme pour certain, prodige musical pour les autres, peu importe,...
Groupe: Suicidal Tendencies
Album: Suicidal For Life
À la suite de « The Art of Rebellion » en 1992 et de « Still Cyco After All These Years » en 1993, Suicidal Tendencies sort un septième album intitulé « Suicidal For Life » toujours sur Epic Records....
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
O Album Styles Année
O Linéa La Bête de L'Homme Rock Alternatif 2010
Obituary Obituary Death Metal 2017
Obliveon From This Day Forward Thrash Metal 1990/2007
Obliveon Nemesis Thrash Metal 1993/2007
Obliveon Cybervoid Thrash Metal 1995/2007
Obliveon Carnivore Mothermouth Thrash Metal 1999/2007
Obscura Omnivium Death Metal 2011
Obscurant First Degree Suicide Death Metal 2005
Obscurcis Romancia Theatre Of Deception Black Metal 2012
Obtenebris Dust Of Time Death / Black Metal 2009
Obtest Iš Kartos Į Kartą Heavy Metal 2005
Obtest Gyvybës Medis Black / Folk Metal 2008
October Falls Tuoni Dark Metal 2003
October Falls Marras Dark Metal 2005
October Falls The Streams of the End Dark Metal 2007
October Falls The Womb Of Primordial Nature Dark Metal 2008
Ok Volca Ok Volca Hardcore 2007
Olympos Mons Conquistador Power Metal 2004
Om God Is Good Doom Metal 2009
Omega Crom Blood, Steel And Fire Thrash Metal 2010
Omega Lithium Dreams In Formaline Industrial Gothic Metal 2009
Onoma All Things Change Metal Alternatif 2012
Opeth Lamentations Death Metal 2003
Opeth Ghost Reveries Death Metal 2005
Opeth Watershed Death Metal 2008
Opeth Sorceress Death Metal Progressif 2016
Opeth In Cauda Venenum Progressive Metal 2019
Orakle Tourments And Perdition Black Metal / Avant-Garde 2008
Oratory Beyond Earth Power Metal 2002
Orchestre Infernal La Vallée des Avalés Heavy Metal 2011
Orchid The Mouths of Madness Rock 2013
Orden Ogan Gunmen Power Metal 2017
Ordoxe Nihil Black Metal 2013
Origin Entity Death Metal 2011
Orochi Orochi Death Metal 2006
Orphaned Land Mabool - The Story of the Three Sons of Seven Folk Metal 2004
OSI Free Rock Progressif 2006
Ossian The Slow Fade of Loving Things Nü Metal 2006
Otherwise True Love Never Dies Rock Alternatif 2012
Our Lady Peace Curve Rock 2012
Outlying Within The Jail Of The Unfortunate Black / Thrash Metal 2008
Overkill Ironbound Thrash Metal 2010
Overkill The Electric Age Thrash Metal 2012
Overkill The Grinding Wheel Thrash Metal 2017
Overloaded Hail The Kingdom Heavy Metal 2005
Overloaded Regeneration Hard Rock 2007
Overock Warp It Rock Alternatif 2007
Oxidized Faith Destiny of Mankind - Muster for Death Death Metal 2009
Ozric Tentacles The Floor's Too Far Away Rock Progressif 2006
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Conception graphique : Marc Desgagné - Programmation : Andrew Gagné - Samuel Falardeau