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Groupe: Giant Squid
Album: Metridium Fields
Giant Suid est un jeune groupe qui nous vient des États-Unis. En 2005, ils ont sorti leur premier album démo «Metridium Fields» qui a attiré l'attention de The End Records. Giant Squid ont décidé de...
Groupe: Rage
Album: Unity
À la suite de ma critique de l’album "Soundchaser" du groupe allemand de Heavy/Power RAGE, voici celle de l’album qui précède "Soundchaser", c’est-à-dire l'album "Unity". Cet album est sorti en 2002...
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
N Album Styles Année
Nachtmystium Assassins Avant-Garde Metal 2008
Nachtmystium Silencing Machine Black Metal 2012
Naglfar Harvest Black Metal 2007
Naglfar Téras Black Metal 2012
Nails Abandon All Life Grind 2013
Nanowar Triumph Of True Metal Of Steel Heavy / Power Metal 2003
Nanowar Other Bands Play, Nanowar Gay! Heavy / Power Metal 2005
Nanowar Of Steel Into Gay Pride Ride Heavy / Power Metal 2010
Napalm Death Utilitarian Grindcore 2012
Nation Beyond The Aftermath Odyssey Progressive Metal 2008
Nautiluz Leaving All Behind Power Metal 2013
Neaera Armamentarium Death Metal Melodic 2007
Necromantia IV: Malice Black Metal 2005
Necronoclast Monument Black Metal 2007
Necronomicon Rise of the Elder Ones Death Metal 2013
Necrophobic Hrimthursum Death Metal 2006
Nefarium Ad Discipulum Black Metal 2010
Nefastüs Diès Urban Cancer Black Metal 2006
Nefastüs Diès Interlude Black / Death Metal 2009
Negativa Negativa MCD Death Metal 2006
Neige et Noirceur L'écume des jours, l'abîme des nuits Black Metal 2007
Neige Éternelle Forêt Nord-Côtière Métal Noir Québécois 2010
Neige Éternelle Neige Éternelle Métal Noir Québécois 2013
Neon Sunrise Toxigenesis Progressive Metal 2004
Nephelium Coils Of Entropy Death Metal 2012
Nervosa Victim of Yourself Thrash Metal 2014
Nervosa Perpetual Chaos Thrash Metal 2021
Nervous Impulse Enough For Dementia Death Metal / Grindcore 2009
Neuraxis Trilateral Progression Death Metal 2005
Neuraxis Live Progression Death Metal 2007
Neuraxis The Thin Line Between Death Metal 2008
Neurosis Honor Found In Decay Post-Hardcore 2012
Nevermore The Obsidian Conspiracy Progressive Thrash Metal 2010
New Found Glory Makes Me Sick Punk Pop 2017
Nhorizon Skydancers Power Metal 2009
Nickelback Dark Horse Rock 2008
Nickelback Here And Now Rock 2011
Nightrage Sweet Vengeance Death Metal 2003
Nightwish Oceanborn Power Metal 1998
Nightwish Wishmaster Power Metal 2000
Nightwish From Wishes to Eternity (DVD) Power Metal 2001
Nightwish Over the hills and far away Power Metal 2001
Nightwish End of Innocence (DVD) Power Metal 2003
Nightwish Nemo Power Metal 2004
Nightwish Once Power Metal 2004
Nightwish Once (Édition Platine) Power Metal 2004
Nightwish Once (Édition Spéciale) Power Metal 2004
Nightwish Dark Passion Play Symphonic Metal 2007
Nightwish Made In Hong Kong (And In Various Other Places) Symphonic Metal 2009
Nile At The Gate of Sethu Death Metal 2012
Nimrød Twelves Degress Of Violence Black / Death Metal 2020
Ninefold Superstar Rock 2006
Niobeth Infinite Ocean Of Stars Gothic Metal 2006
Nocturnal Blood Devastated Graves - The Morbid Celebration Black / Death Metal 2011
Nocturnal Rites The Sacred Talisman Power Metal 1999
Nocturnal Rites Afterlife Thrash Metal 2000
Nocturnal Rites Shadowland Power Metal 2002
Nocturnal Rites Grand Illusion Power Metal 2006
Nordheim Demo Folk Metal 2009
Nordheim Lost in the North Viking Metal 2011
Nordmen Nordmen Métal Noir Québécois 2010
Norther Dreams Of Endless War Gothenburg Metal 2002
Norther Mirror of Madness Gothenburg Metal 2003
Nosgoth Lines Of Sorrow Gothic Metal 2006
Nostradameus The Prophet Of Evil Power Metal 2001
Nostradameus Illusion's Parade Power Metal 2009
Nova Spei Sequentis Groove Metal 2021
Novembers Doom The Novella Reservoir Death Metal 2007
Nuclear Blast Allstars Into The Light Heavy Metal 2007
Nyktalgia Peisithanatos Black Metal 2008
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Conception graphique : Marc Desgagné - Programmation : Andrew Gagné - Samuel Falardeau