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Critiques en Vrak
Groupe: Virtuocity
Album: Secret Visions
Surprenant! C'est le premier mot qui me vient en tête lorsque le son vient à mes oreilles à la première écoute de "Secret Visions" de Virtuocity. Au départ, je n'avais entendu que quelques chansons...
Groupe: Insomnium
Album: Above the Weeping World
Vu que j’allais passer une fin de semaine dans un chalet en plein milieu d’un bois, l’occasion me semblait parfaite pour écouter le troisième album d’Insomnium, Above the Weeping World. N’étant pas...
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
L Album Styles Année
L'Esprit Du Clan Chapitre III - Corpus Delicti MetalCore 2007
La Chicane En Catimini Rock Pop 1998
Labyrinth No Limits Heavy Metal 1996
Labyrinth Return To Heaven Denied Power Metal 1998
Labyrinth Timeless Crime Power Metal 1999
Labyrinth Sons Of Thunder Progressive Metal 2000
Lacrimae Mortalium L'ange de glace Doom Metal 2010
Lacrimas Profundere Filthy Notes For Frozen Hearts Gothic Metal 2006
Lacrimas Profundere Songs For The Last View Gothic Metal 2008
Lacrimosa Lichtgestalt Gothic Metal 2005
Lacuna Coil Shallow Life Gothic Metal 2009
Ladies of the Canyon Diamond Heart Blues/Rock 2013
Lake of Tears Illwill Dark / Gothic Metal 2011
Lalu Oniric Metal Progressive Metal 2005
Lamb of God Sacrament MetalCore 2006
Laments Of Silence Restart Your Mind Death Metal Melodic / Gothic Metal 2010
Last Tribe Witch Dance Progressive Metal 2002
Last Tribe The Uncrowned Progressive Metal 2003
Lazarus AD Black Rivers Flow Thrash Metal 2011
Leaves' Eyes Vinland Saga Gothic Metal 2005
Lebowski Cinematic Progressive Metal 2011
Legion Shadow Of The King Heavy Metal 2005
Lenny Kravitz Black and White America Rock Pop 2011
Leprous Bilateral Progressive Metal 2011
Leprous Coal Progressive Metal 2013
Les Discrets Ariettes Oubliées... Post Rock 2012
Les Dorothée One Night Stands et Romance Cheap Punk Rock 2011
Les Ékorchés Les Ékorchés Heavy Metal 2007
Les Ékorchés IV Démons Heavy Metal 2009
Les Ékorchés Frères De Sang Heavy Metal 2011
Les Fraggles Demo 2006 Rock 2006
Leviathan Massive Conspiracy Against All Life Black Metal 2008
Leviathane Mistery Gothic Metal 2006
Lifelover Konkurs Avant-Garde Metal 2008
Lightning Swords of Death Baphometic Chaosium Black Metal 2013
Like Moths To Flames Dark Divine MetalCore 2017
Like Tomorrow Dressing The Past Power Metal 2006
Limp Bizkit Gold Cobra Nü Metal 2011
Lineaviola Determinante Rock 2007
Lionheart Welcome to the West Coast II Hardcore 2017
Lipid Deliver Us From Evil Thrash Metal 2006
Lita Ford Wicked Wonderland Rock 2009
Lita Ford Living Like A Runaway Rock 2012
Liva De Insulis Symphonic Metal 2007
Lock Up Necropolis Transparent Death Metal / Grindcore 2011
Loits Vere Kutse Kohustab Black Metal 2004
London After Midnight Violent Act Of Beauty Rock Industriel 2007
Long Distance Calling Long Distance Calling Metal Instrumental 2011
Lost Dimension Éclipse Heavy Metal 2012
Lost Horizon Awakening the World Power Metal 2001
Lost Horizon A Flame To The Ground Beneath Power Metal 2003
Lost Society Fast Loud Death Thrash Metal 2013
Lou Reed & Metallica LULU Heavy Metal 2011
Loudness Thunder In The East Heavy Metal 1985
Loudness The Everlasting Heavy Metal 2009
Loudness King of Pain Heavy Metal 2010
Loudness 2012 Heavy Metal 2012
Luca Turilli King of the Nordic Twilight Power Metal 1999
Luca Turilli Prophet of the Last Eclipse Symphonic Metal 2002
Luca Turilli The Infinite Wonders of Creation Symphonic Metal 2006
Luca Turilli's Dreamquest Lost Horizons Symphonic Metal 2006
Luctus Sonitus Caeli Ardentis Black Metal 2007
Lunatica Fables and Dreams Symphonic Metal 2004
Lunatica The Edge Of Infinity Symphonic Metal 2006
Lux Aeterna Beyond Horizons Progressive Metal 2006
Lying Truth Chain Of Evil Thrash Metal 2009
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Conception graphique : Marc Desgagné - Programmation : Andrew Gagné - Samuel Falardeau